Coming together to celebrate Autumn Equinox, the beginning of a new cycle of nature, a time of harvest, shedding, and sharing the fruits of our labors with loved ones. This is your opportunity to pause, reflect and reconnect as we begin to prepare for the darker, colder months that lie ahead.

Sat Sept 21st | 6-8pm

St. Columba Church (24 Sandridge Road)

Guides: Sophia Wood Massicotte & Saman Tayari

This circle is a safe, sacred space for gentle, compassionate self-enquiry; a space to reflect on what we have been growing within ourselves that is ready to be harvested, seen, held, and appreciated, to reflect on and honor the shifts and transformations – whether delicate and subtle, or otherwise – that we are experiencing within, to ask ourselves what we are being called to let go of – just like the trees begin to let go of their leaves, and what nourishment we may need as we ease into a time of adjustment and slowing down.

Event flow:

  • We will begin with a guided grounding meditation to connect with the energy of Autumn.
  • Sophia will continue by sharing wisdom teachings from the earth and sky energies and their impact on our human experience during this seasonal transition.
  • As we enjoy a soothing natural herbal tea, we will do some journalling reflecting on any wisdom arising.
  • There will then be the opportunity to share our heart's truth. Note that what is shared in the circle stays in the circle!
  • You'll have the opportunity to pull an oracle card for guidance – This is a beautiful way to develop and tune into your intuition and receive messages to support you as you step forward into the Autumnal months.
  • Finally, we will connect with the power of our voices and express our love and gratitude through chanting, accompanied by the talented soundscape artist Saman Tayari and his instruments.


Do I need to bring anything with me?

A yoga mat, cushion/pillow to sit on and water. Herbal tea will be available.

What should I wear?

Comfortable, loose-fitting clothing.

Who can attend?

These Women’s Circles are open to anyone who identifies as a woman. **Note that Saman Tayari, who will be guiding our soundscape experience, is male.

How many women will attend?

These circles are held in a more intimate setting (6-10 people), however there is space for more!

Where will this circle take place?

Circles take place from 18:00 to 20:00pm at St. Columba Church in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (24 Sandridge Road). Click here for a map.

For any questions, feel free to email Sophia at [email protected].

Looking forward to seeing you there :)