Choosing Me

FREE 3 Day ONLINE Challenge

Overcome People Pleasing & Set Healthy Boundaries

LIVE Sept 6, 7, 8 @8am EST

Facilitator: Sophia Wood Massicotte

Learn how to break the people pleasing cycle to reclaim your power & peace

In this 3-day challenge you'll discover where your behavioral tendency to people please comes from, and how to finally free yourself from it to become someone empowered who respects their needs and boundaries. You'll learn how to go from being afraid of judgment or rejection to confident and full of self-love.

This workshop is for you if you:
▽Struggle with setting boundaries for yourself
▽Constantly think people are mad at you
▽Hyper-vigilant in relationships, leading to overthinking and overanalyzing
▽Have a fear of being seen as 'bad' or of getting in trouble
▽Avoid conflict/difficult conversations at all costs
▽Don't have a strong sense of your interests, opinions or preferences

What Will I Learn?

  • Discover the root cause of people pleasing behavior
  • Reconnect with your body and regulate your nervous system
  • Identify your deepest needs, desires and values
  • Establish & honor healthy boundaries

Stop sabotaging what you really want and feel confident in speaking from your heart.

After This Challenge You’ll Be Able To…

  • Say NO to things you don’t want to do without turning into jello
  • Freely express your opinion and personality without fear of losing people around you
  • Feel aligned & confident as you being to respond in integrity with your values
  • Become less stressed because you’re no longer wrapped up in other people’s opinions about how you live your life

What Is Included?

  • 3-45 min interactive Facebook LIVE video calls (includes Q&A)
  • 3 mini guidebooks with summary notes, journaling prompts & integration practices
  • 1:1 30min integration chat with Sophia!


Sept 6th - Day 1: SELF-AWARENESS

Understand your behavior, identify triggers, patterns & beliefs

The first step is becoming aware of our people pleasing tendencies, and noticing how this behavior affects our mind & body & relationships. Part of this process is to identify our triggers, limiting beliefs and thoughts that drive our behavior.

Sep 7th - Day 2: SELF-REGULATION

Cultivate inner safety through body connection

The second step is to connect with our emotional body, becoming the witness of sensations as they arise and fall. Here we learn how to regulate and de-excite our nervous system through somatic practices to come back into alignment and balance.


Clarify your needs and establish your boundaries

The third step is to clarify what you truly need and gift it to ourself through self-care and communicating our boundaries with grace & clarity. Here we learn to put ourselves first and us our voices to establish our boundaries.

Meet Your Guide: Sophia Wood Massicotte

Sophia Wood Massicotte is a certified Life Coach, 500 RYT Yoga Teacher and Ayurveda Practitioner. Her passion for the Wisdom of Nature, Movement as Medicine, the Power of the Heart has led her to devote her life's purpose to exploring the mysteries and magic of our collective Human Experience. She is the founder of The Art of Being Well , a holistic healing hub that serves and supports the self-empowerment journey of women who are ready to reconnect with their Heart's truth and create a life aligned with the fullest expression of their Divine Feminine Essence.

Inspired by Nature, Empowered Through The Heart

"It's not your job to like me. it's mine"

-Byron Katie

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